One of the highlights of FW is…….. Four Square. Its an awesome game, and FW simply wouldn’t be complete without it. I think that there was a Four Square game going every day, minus the rainy one.
And don’t forget the ever going Volley ball games!
The campground that we were staying at was on the Kentucky Lake, and we were able to see the bridge that recently was taken out by a barge. Yikes!
The weather on the lake was so beautiful!
Momma took a turn with the camera to snatch this photo of me and some friends.
The constant Fellowship is such a wonderful experience for us all.
The Tabernacle of David and Praise and Worship times were wonderful
Market Day was awesome also, a great opportunity to sell things!
Not to confuse you, but this is actually soap. It looks so good though!
Our table…..
One word. Epicness.
The leaven burning.
When all else fails, remove the fire ring.
Our gathering!
Grandma ,and Mr. H “dressing up” for Passover
I have so many pictures from Family Week, but I am afraid I must limit myself……….
Next year in Jerusalem!