Tammy's 14th Birthday
After reading various blog posts and getting to know us better, you have probably realized something about us.
We are very last minute people.
Its not that we want it to be that way, somehow it just happens! As some of you know, my birthday is the 20th of December, and that this year it was on a Tuesday.......... The very Thursday before we decided that we were going to make a trip up to Virginia! We are really big into History, and we had wanted to go up to some of the Historical sites for quite some time. So we packed everything up and left 2 days later (the Sunday before my birthday). We were so incredibly excited to be able to go to Williamsburg, Jamestown, Monticello (Thomas Jefferson's home), and to see our best friends the Aydlottes! You may remember my first post "Visit to Virginia" . There are just too many pictures to share them all (over 300 between my sister and I), so I will just show my favorites!
First up are pictures from Jamestown. We left Sunday morning and arrived in Jamestown in the afternoon and had a couple hours to see it and then spend the night in a hotel....
On the way to Jamestown we were able to take a ferry across the James river.
Delany and I on the ferry. |
Looking out over the James river from the ferry. |
The church that was in the Jamestown fort. |
One of the three replica ships that we were able to board. These were the ships that the original settlers of Jamestown came over on. The Godspeed, Susan Constant, and the Discovery. |
Tammy and Delany by the statue of Pocahontas. :-) |
The next day we spent the entire time at Williamsburg, which was so great! Another thing that was cool is that there have been many movies filmed here......
The Governor's Palace in Williamsburg.
The walls in the Foyer of the palace were paneled in black walnut and decorated with swords and guns...
The courthouse.
The Magazine where muskets, pistols, gunpowder and other supplies were kept.
The Capitol building
The Gaol (jail)
After spending a wonderful day at Williamsburg, we were exhausted. We spent another night in a hotel and then the next morning we drove to Monticello! There was a really good restaurant at Monticello called Michie's Tavern that was so good.... amazing actually! If you ever go you will definitely have to visit it :-)
Here it is, the beautiful Monticello! The whole time that Thomas Jefferson lived here it was never finished, he kept making changes and rebuilding it! It was amazing seeing it :-)
After seeing Monticello (and an accidental detour) we drove to the Aydlottes house and arrived just as night fell. We spent two nights with them and were able to celebrate the first 2 days of Hanukkah with them (and, of course, my birthday).
Ellie, Delany, and Tirzah watching a movie.
Birthday decorations that I was surprised with the next morning. Thanks Anna!
Lauren lighting Hanukkah candles.
As often happens, we got so caught up in the excitement of seeing each other that we forgot to take pictures until the very last minute! Ooops. Well, we had a wonderful trip and were so excited to be able to take it! Stay tuned for bread baking pictures......
Sing to יהוה a new song, sing to יהוה, all the earth! Sing to יהוה, bless His Name, Proclaim His deliverance from day to day. Declare His esteem among the nations.
Psalms 96:1-3
Hi Tammy! It's Liza. I didn't know y'all came to Charlottesville!!! (that's where we live :D) I love Monticello and Michie Tavern - two of my favorite local spots :)
So glad you had a great birthday - spending it with the dear Aydlottes sounded lovely!
Hey Liza!
How have you been? I know, sorry that we were not able to visit you all, but we had such a limited time in Virginia that we couldnt see everybody :-) CHarlottesville Virginia was so beautiful! I loved it, and I had a wonderful birthday, thankyou. I didnt not realize that you knew the Aydlottes?! Great to hear from you!
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