
Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Bridegroom is coming!

    The Shofars blew. The excitement mounted. The joyous calls of  “The bridegroom is coming!” could be heard throughout the camp. In frenzied anticipation we ran to get ready for the coming wedding.
We had one hour to prepare before we joined the eager bride to await the coming of the bridegroom.
And then he came, in a horse drawn carriage…..
and his bride ran to meet him.
We joined them in the mile long walk to the beautiful lakeside place that they had prepared.

    The wedding festivities and dancing that followed the ceremony were as joyous as the wedding itself Smile. The group of dancers was enormous, and as I was one of them I was not able to get any pictures! Ooops…

The joy of the couple is impossible to capture in photos, and the beauty of the moment not complete without being able to experience it. But I hope you enjoyed them non-the-less. Family Week photos are coming soon!

1 comment:

grandma said...

The pictures are great. As usual you did an amazing job of taking them and then captioning them. Love you always, Grandma

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Sing to יהוה a new song, sing to יהוה, all the earth! Sing to יהוה, bless His Name, Proclaim His deliverance from day to day. Declare His esteem among the nations.

Psalms 96:1-3